Not that long ago…

Not that long ago…

It doesn’t seem that long ago that I was in my 20s, working for a local municipality in their newly established PC network department. For years, we worked to transfer all functions from the mainframe to the PC network. There was constant animosity from employees who...
A Higher Standard

A Higher Standard

Owning a small business is, to say the least, interesting. Being in the technology industry, with its constantly changing versions, product functions, new technologies, mergers, and anything else you can imagine, makes it a constant grind to keep up. The industry has...
The Bottom Line

The Bottom Line

In business, I hear this saying all the time. Most of the time, it’s about money and the profit margin. We all want to make money, and we all need to be mindful of the bottom line. However, the problem with this philosophy is that when it comes to a company...
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month

It’s cyber security month and we are reminded that technology is moving at a pace that’s almost impossible to keep up with. That while we have come light years with technology so has the hacking industry. That in the rush to centralize thru cloud services...
It’s a Tiger!

It’s a Tiger!

As our business has grown, the company has faced many challenges. We develop procedures to take care of our customers, only to have them fail as we grow. I have never liked how companies grow and their customer service declines. However, I have become aware of just...